The Archdeacon of Blackburn, The Ven Mark Ireland this morning dedicated our new lighting with this prayer:

Blessed are you, Lord God, king of the universe: you have made all things for your glory Bless + these new lights, as they lighten up our worship may they remind us of the true Light of the World, Jesus our Saviour. In our lives may we be lights that shine in to the dark places of our world as we bring love were there is hatred, peace where there is conflict and harmony where there is division. In that name of your Son our Saviour Jesus Christ. AMEN


In his Introduction our Rector Fr Mark reminded us that the message of today’s readings is that we all need to be transformed … that is changed by God.

“Non of us like change”, he said, “but some change is good. The old lights installed and paid for by the Webster Family are now 40 years old. We thank them for their gift which has given good service.The old wiring has passed its best, and new lighting technology means we can be better stewards. Better stewards of the Earth’s planet by reducing our Carbon Footprint. Better stewards of church finances by spending less on electricity. Better stewards of resources, by keeping us the people fo God safe”.

In his address the Archdeacon also addressed stewardship of the planet, calling on us all to repent of our old ways and change to be better stewards of God’s creation.