The works at the West End of Holy Trinity will start on September 12th and finish early in November.

It is anticipated to have the heating back on by Sunday, November 6th.

The work has been planned so as to allow October’s Weddings and Harvest Thanksgiving Services to go ahead. The Harvest decorations will be cleared after the morning service and  Distribution will happen from the Parish Room as last year.

The works will be carried out by Ross Lea, and are largely funded by a number of grants. Grant giving bodies include: Lancashire Environment Fund, The Duchy of Lancaster Benevolent Fund, Garfield Weston, SSC Mission Fund, Number 1 Trust and the Beatrice Lang Trust.

Welcoming the news  Fr Mark said,

“ This work could not be undertaken with out the generous support of our a grant bodies and others – to them I say a big thank you! The church is one of the principle Community Spaces in the village, we are tweaking its internal design to make it more fit for the purpose of opening our doors to the wider Community – I am very excited to see this project is about to get under way.”