A new and exciting midweek youth fellowship will be launching this Autumn, with a specific focus on the 7-11’s across the parishes of both Rufford and Tarleton.

The new initiative is called ‘Diamond Disciples’ and will be led by our resident ordinand, Danny, along with a fantastic team of volunteers. Speaking ahead of the launch, Danny said:

“Building on the incredible relationships the church has with all three of our parish schools, the vision of the group is to encourage and assist children in their growing awareness of faith in Jesus Christ by providing them with a tailor made space in which they can encounter God, develop friendships, have fun and learn ways of being a disciple of Jesus that make a visible difference in the world today”.

The fellowship will contain Bible teaching, creative prayer, crafts and games, and be full of practical ways that young people can live out and share their faith, whilst making space for them to develop friendships and relationships over food and drink served before the service itself.

Danny goes on to say that “I really dislike the phrase that children are the church of tomorrow, as I firmly believe that children are the church of today – we have as much to learn from them as they do from us, and so nurturing and encouraging them in their faith is a role we all have as disciples in the Church of God”

The group will meet weekly each Thursday in the Tarleton Holy Trinity parish room and will take place from 7-8pm (6:30pm for those wishing to eat and chat beforehand). As mentioned, the group has a content focus designed for children aged 7-11, but all are welcome to come along!

If you would like more details, or to offer your help as a volunteer, then please speak to Danny for more details.