In the coming weeks we will be involved in two Acts of Remembrance for those who defended the air above us.

Battle of Britain

On Sunday, September 18th Fr Tristan will lead an Act of Remembrance at our War Memorial at 9.50am.

Around a hundred RAF Cadets will be joined by local villagers to  gather around Tarleton’s War Memorial at 9.50am on Sunday September 18th for a short Act of Remembrance before marching off to All Saints Church Hesketh Bank at 10.05am. AT 10am ( 11am in the air over France) we will pause for a two minutes silence.

Following this memorial there will be the normal 10.45am Sunday service in Holy Trinity, Tarlerton which will start with the first hymn being sung to the tune  Dambusters. 


RNAS Memorial at Rufford Village Hall

At 12.45pm on Sunday, October 2nd, Fr Mark will dedicate a new Memorial to two Second Word War Navy Fleet Air Arm Servicemen.

The new Memorial outside Rufford Village Hall remembers Sub Lieuts PG Sunderland and MW Williams  of 1771 Squadron RN Fleet Air Arm died when their aircraft crashed in to farm land at Holmeswood on May 28th 1944.