The Bishop of Blackburn, the Rt Rev. Philip North CMP, confirmed 10 young people (sadly the 11th young person was taken ill, but will be confirmed later this month) and one adult at a special Confirmation Service at Holy Trinity Church, Tarleton tonight.

Candidates for Confirmation came from both Rufford and Tarleton.

The church was filled with family and friends of those who were confirmed.

The service was followed by refreshments as the candidates and their families celebrated with church officials.

Speaking after the service Bishop Philip said: “I was privileged to be able to pray for and confirm 10 young people and one adult and it was exciting to witness so many taking this important step of faith together.

“As part of our Vision 2026: Healthy Churches Transforming Communities we seek to make disciples for Jesus. In our Diocese in Lancashire we have one of the highest confirmation rates in the Church of England.

“Between 2011 and 2017 inclusive we have confirmed around 7000 candidates and have been in the top five Dioceses for total number of candidates.

“I look forward to many more joyous confirmation services like this one in the future.”

Rector, Fr Mark  added: “It has been great to prepare these candidates for Confirmation.The Holy Spirit is clearly at work in their lives”.