The People’s lottery have awarded  a grant of £7,200 to Holy Trinity Tarleton to enable it to enhance the provision it makes in the Community Space for a Warm Welcome and Coffee & Chat.

The Rector Fr Mark commented:

“As Coffee & Chat marked its second anniversary we were aware we needed more appropriate seating for our clients. This grant will enable us to satisfy that need.

This Winter will be the second year that the church is open daily from Monday to Saturday to allow people who can not heat their homes to have a place of warmth to spend part of the day. In November it cost us around £1,500 to heat the church, and prices will be going up by 5% in January, thus raising the heating bill further. This grant and a grant of £500 our local council will contribute to paying some of the heating and lighting bills.

Churches have been a place of sanctuary for centuries, today Holy Trinity , Tarleton is a sanctuary from the cold for those who can not afford to heat their homes because of the cost of living crisis”.