At the start of the week of Love your burial ground , we are launching our plan to introduce a programme of Bio-diversity at St Mary’s Churchyard, Rufford working in conjunction with The National Trust Rufford Old Hall , the Canal trust , Rufford CE School and Ormskirk Army Cadet Force.

As a Church we are aware we inherited a garden – that’s the story of the Garden of Eden. We must not leave those who come after us with a desert.

Our Rector, Fr Mark Soady said, “We all value  nature, and having a churchyard which is thriving with nature means that it can be  a space where those who live in the community can delight in what they see, what they smell and what they hear. A key part of Walking in the Green project is to help with people’s well being and mental health. Working with the National Trust and the Canal Trust we hope to develop this Quarter as a pleasant place for people to go and stroll, pausing and taking in the beauty as they go.

An added advantage has been the involvement of Rufford CE School Pupils and the local Army Cadets, so we are doubly investing in the future”.

In conclusion, Fr Mark said ,” This will be a long term project, so do not expect to see a great transformation overnight”.