Lent starts on Ash Wednesday, March 5th. Do be part of this Holy Season of Prayer, Almsgiving and Penitence.
Ash Wednesday
Details of services here.
Other Wednesdays and Fridays
Throughout Lent we will meet for an hour before The Sacrament at 7.15pm on Friday evenings and will join in Bishop Phillip’s study of Prayer in the Bible on Wednesday evenings at 6.30pm. Both at Holy Trinity, Tarleton.
Lent Lunches
Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, throughout the subsequent forty days Lenten Lunches are being hosted to emphasise the fasting aspect of this solemn observance.The dates and venues for the lunches are listed below (the lunches are taking place in two venues; Rufford Cricket Club and the Church Hall) -:
Tuesday 11th March – Cricket Club.
Tuesday 18th March – Church Hall.
Tuesday 25th March – Cricket Club.
Tuesday 1st April – Church Hall.
Tuesday 8th April – Cricket Club.
Tuesday 15th April – Church Hall.
.Tickets are priced at £7.50 (including soup, roll, hot drink & cake) and are available from Mrs. Brenda Caslake – 01704 821464/ 07821107341