The Octave of the Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary includes  a special service for the Feast and a weekend Flower Festival at Rufford to mark the 152 Anniversary of the current St Mary’s Church in Rufford.

September 8th

7pm at Holy Trinity Tarlerton Festal Eucharist, followed by a meeting of the Cell of Our Lady of Walsingham

September 9th-12th Flower Festival

At the heart of the village of Rufford for many centuries has been the church of St Mary the Virgin, to mark the 152 Anniversary of the building of the current church we are holding a Flower Festival from September 9th-12th. ( WE would have marked our 150th 2 years ago but Covid stopped us).

Throughout this time the villagers of Rufford have come to the church, in good times and bad times, to sing in sorrow and joy the hymns of the church. These hymns are the theme of this celebratory festival of flowers. It had been hoped to hold the Festival in the 150th year, but Covid prevented this, as so much in our lives.I hope when you come and visit you will think it was worth the two year wait.
Refreshments will be available in the Church Hall across the road. Occasional music will be performed in church all weekend.
The Festival is open daily from 10am -5pm
On Sunday 12th we have a Pet service in the grounds at 9.15am and at 6pm a Songs of Praise in Church.