Our Rector, Canon Mark Soady writes:

We will all be saddened by the news of Her late Majesty The Queen’s death. HM’s life of service here on earth as come to an end. I am sure Her Majesty’s deep Christian faith will have sustained HM at the end. I thank God for HM’s reign. Many of us do not remember life without our Sovereign Lady.


We will make space in our churches to remember our late Sovereign:

  • Although dressed for our planned Flower Festival St Mary’s Rufford will become  a place for people to pay their respects.
  • From Monday, September 12th Holy Trinity, Tarlerton church will be closed during the day for already planned works, but we will open the church daily between 5pm- 7pm for prayer .
  • In accordance with HMG’s guidance our Union Flags will fly at Half Mast, except following the Accession Council of our new King.  The Bells of Holy Trinity Church, Tarleton will Toll at Mid-day today (Friday)  Please pray for Her late Majesty’s soul.
Changes to the programme:
  • Pet services are cancelled
  • 9.15(Rufford) & 10.45 (Tarleton) There will be Sung Eucharists
  • 6pm We will re draft the Songs of Praise to give thanks for Her Late Majesty’s life of service.
  • The Flower Festival will go ahead in a sombre way, with opportunities to remember our late Sovereign.
  • The Old Church on Windgate will now NOT be open this weekend
God save the King!