The Rector, Fr Mark Soady is writing to all residents in Rufford and Holmeswood asking them to help us raise a third of a million pounds.
He writes:
It never fails to amaze me the number of kind comments villagers and visitors alike make about how blessed we are to have such a beautiful church in Rufford. Sadly, the Parochial Church Council have just heard that high up, out of sight, our church spire and tower are in need of urgent repair. Early estimates put the cost of repair at between a quarter and a third of a million pounds.
We have taken the decision to invite the local community to contribute towards the cost, and to invite you to do so either online here or by calling in to the church to see the Wardens and me on Saturday, October 14th between 10am – 3.30pm. In so doing I assure you that we will not make a habit of issuing such an appeal. I hope you feel able to make a contribution, which added to our monies in reserve will go towards our matching funding for the grants we will apply for.
My thanks to you in anticipation of your support. Rufford is a close-knit community which always rallies around, as I am sure it will on this occasion.
Be assured I will keep the community updated on the progress of fundraising and the subsequent repairs.
Many thanks and Blessings.