Find out the latest from our Parish Pilgrimage

Monday 9th

Following Mass and Blessing of the Pilgrims at Holy Trinity Church we head off by taxi to Chorley to meet up with the bus from St Anne’s Church, Lytham St Annes with whom we are sharing the Pilgrimage this year.

All pilgrims stop off at De Rode Arms for lunch .

Having arrived at the Shrine and settle in to our rooms…..then for The first visit to the Holy House.

The pilgrimage is supported by 4 clergy in addition our own Rector and Curate  there is Fr Glen (Vicar of St Anne’s-on-Sea) and Fr Ryan (Curate).

Tuesday 10th

The day started with Stations of the Cross in two groups. Fr Joe lead the first group and Fr Glen the second.

Having done a walk through at first light, Fr Joe is seen starting off the Stations.

Next was Mass at the Parish Church in Walsingham. In his introduction Fr Mark, Principle Celebrant, reminded us how Fr Harri Williams, the Vicar, had lead us in our Meditations during our Covid Virtual Pilgrimage to Walsingham.

Fr Glen, Fr Mark & Fr Joe at the Altar

We had an afternoon off. Some went to Norwich including Evensong at the Cathedral, while others went on  a Steam Train from Holt

So back to the Shrine for Vespers and Supper.

At 8.15pm we joined the Sprinkling, Ministries of Healing and Reconciliation, including Benediction.

Fr Mark Anointed while Fr Joe Lay on hands.

Wednesday 11th

Each morning during the Pilgrimage at 7pm Fr Mark & Fr Joe join the SSM Sisters at the Priory for the Office of Readings. (We are also managing to attend Compline with them – in what is a full programme)

Following Breakfast we split in to two groups 9.15am(Led by Fr Ryan) and 9.45am (Led by Fr Joe) we had Prayers in the Holy House. Some people managed a Coffee before the Pilgrims Mass at 11am.

Fr Joe leading Intercessions 

At Mass Fr Mark Concelebrated and Fr Joe Deaconed. With Alison and Pam on “Meet & greet”.

As we are Half Board this year, Pilgrims are free to do their own thing for lunch. Some having had a big Breakfast and with a large meal this evening, just skipped food.

This afternoon some Pilgrims went to the Slipper Chapel and RC Shrine, while others spent the Afternoon at the Priory with the Society of Saint Margaret Sisters.

Sr Angela SSM and Angela in conversation
…so to Vespers and ‘Our Last Supper” at the Shrine.
One of our Pilgrims, Andrew, had the honour of carrying the Image of Our Lady of Walsingham on the Torchlight Procession around the grounds this evening. This service described by some as the highlight of our time at Walsingham, certainly left us all on a high! It ended with us adoring the Blessed Sacrament.
The Preacher at the Service was The Rt Revd Peter Eagles, former Bishop of Sodor and Man and onetime Chaplain-General to HM Land Forces, under whom Fr Mark served.
It being , the afor mentioned Andrew’s 50th Birthday – so we had  a party.
Thursday 12th
The final day starts with a Mass in the Shrine Church, followed by The Last Visit to the Holy House.
After Breakfast, we are homeward bound….