“As people of God, our care for people in need is not optional”, claims Danny Abraham on this Homelessness Sunday
In his sermon on Homelessness Sunday, Danny Abraham reflects on [...]
In his sermon on Homelessness Sunday, Danny Abraham reflects on [...]
As part of the Fundraising Campaign to raise a third [...]
During the early days of November we remember departed Souls, [...]
In this week when we are looking at forgiveness at [...]
The Bishop of Blackburn is to appoint Joe Kochanski as [...]
We will celebrate Harvest Thanksgiving on Sunday, October 8th Services [...]
The Rector, Fr Mark Soady is writing to all residents [...]
Fr Mark has welcomed the highly talented Robin Stopford as [...]
Starting point: Tarleton Holy Trinity Church, Church Road, Tarleton PR4 [...]
We welcome Br Michael Jacob SSF as our Preacher at [...]