CHRISTMAS TO EPIPHANY – details of services
Christmas Eve 3.15pm Nativity, Carols & Christingle ,Rufford 4.30pm Nativity, Carols [...]
Fr Mark & Fr Joe on the 4 Last things: Death, Judgment, Hell & Heaven
On the four Sundays in Advent Fr Mark and Fr [...]
Fr Joe: Accepting Jesus as King
Speaking at St Mary's , Rufford at 8am on the [...]
Christmas Services
CAROLS Rufford School Carols December 5th at 7pm Tarleton MU [...]
Remembering the Fallen of all recents wars
Friday, November 8th a Remembrance Concert at Holy Trinity, Tarleton at [...]
Fr Joe on Healing:”Every touch of Jesus….points us towards the ultimate restoration of all things through him”.
Speaking at Today's Healing service, Fr Joe pointed out "Every [...]