We will celebrate Harvest Thanksgiving on Sunday, October 8th


8am Holy Eucharist, Rufford

9.15am All Age Eucharist with Rufford CE School, Rufford

10.45 All Age Eucharist, Tarleton ; Preacher: Revd Sam Crossley (St Andrew’s, Longton)

6pm Evensong, Rufford


Church open

St Mary’s, Rufford will be open from 1.30am – 5pm for the public to view the Harvest displays.

Holy Trinity Tarleton will also be open after Sunday Services.


Charity Donations

As usual we will be donating the Harvest to needy parishioners, The Food Bank and Queens-court Hospice.

We are also supporting the Bishop’s Harvest Appeal, find out more here and how to donate.

Harvest Social

The Harvest weekend will kick of at Rufford with the annual Ceilidh at the Village Hall on Friday, October 6th.

Gaelic Folk Music and Dancing

Hot Pot Supper with Apple Pie

Tickets priced £12.50 ((Child £3.50) available from Jim Whittingham on 01704 822878.