Carols, other Christmas Services…and more!

Carols, other Christmas Services…and more!

Christmas Services and Carol Services


December 7th 7pm Rufford School Carol Service at Rufford
December 14th Rufford Old Hall Carol Service at Rufford
December 18th Tarleton Village Carol Service with Hesketh Bank Silver Band at Tarleton
December 20th Rufford Village Carol Service at Rufford


Christmas Eve
10am Combined Benefice Holy Eucharist at Rufford [ Note there are no other morning services that day]
3.15pm Rufford Christingle & Crib Service
4.30pm Tarleton Christingle & Crib Service
8.30pm Bethlehem Mass at Tarleton
11.30pm Mid Night Mass at Rufford 
Christmas Day
9.15 Holy Eucharist & Carols at Rufford
10.45am Sung Eucharist and Carols at Tarleton 
From Sunday December 9th, in the run up to Christmas villagers  in Rufford, Tarleton & Mere Brow will like the Wiseman literally be able to follow the the star. The Star trail around the village will lead you to the church. At each star station you will be able to read a portion of the Christmas story.
In  St Mary’s Church, Rufford  from December 17th to January 6th the windows will be decorated with the Angels – the bringers of the Good News of the Birth of Jesus.
By |2023-11-12T17:30:01+00:00October 19th, 2023|Rector|

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About the Author:

Fr Mark was appointed as Rector of Rufford and Tarleton in April 2020, just as the COVID-19 pandemic took hold throughout the world. Previously, Mark was Area Dean and Vicar of Abergavenny & Rector of Llanwenarth Citra. Additionally, Mark was a Psychiatric Nurse and Founder/Prior of the Hollywell Community. Prior to Ordination, he was Head of Office to Rt Hon Lord Jenkins of Hillhead OM; and later worked for the Westminster Foundation for Democracy (an arm of the Foreign & Commonwealth Office) on democratisation programmes. Fr Mark served in the Royal Army Chaplain’s Department from 1998- 2012 and until 2017 was Chairman of Trustees of the Welsh Warrior: Richard Hunt Foundation, which cares for veterans. As Secretary to the Committee of Anglican Religious Communities in England, he also works with all nuns, monks and friars throughout the Church of England
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