PALM SUNDAY (April 10th)
8am Holy Eucharist, St Mary’s, Rufford
9.15am Blessing of Palms, Procession & All Age Eucharist, St Mary’s, Rufford
10.45am Blessing of Palms, Procession & All Age Eucharist, Holy Trinity, Tarleton
HOLY MONDAY (April 11th)
7pm Holy Eucharist, St Mary’s, RuffordHOLY TUESDAY (April 12th)
7pm Holy Eucharist, Holy Trinity, TarletonHOLY WEDNESDAY (April 13th)
10am Holy Eucharist, Holy Trinity, Tarleton7pm Holy Eucharist, St Mary’s, RuffordMAUNDY THURSDAY (April 14th)
7pm Mass of the Last Supper and Stripping of the Altars at Holy Trinity, Tarletonfollowed by Watch of the PassionGOOD FRIDAY (April 15th)
10am Stations of the Cross at St Mary’s , Rufford2pm Liturgy of the Day at Holy Trinity, Tarleton
HOLY SATURDAY (April 16th)
8pm Paschal Vigil at Holy Trinity, TarletonEASTER DAY (April 17th)
8am Holy Eucharist, Holy Trinity, Tarleton
9.15am Blessing of the Paschal Candle & Holy Eucharist, St Mary’s Rufford
10.45am Choral Eucharist, Holy Trinity, Tarleton