Sunday 8th May: 4th Sunday of Easter

8am Eucharist: St Mary the Virgin, Rufford
9.15am All-Age Eucharist: St Mary the Virgin, Rufford, then refreshments
10.45am All-Age Eucharist: Holy Trinity, Tarleton, then refreshments


Almighty God, whose Son Jesus Christ is the resurrection and the life: raise us, who trust in him, from the death of sin to the life of righteousness, that we may seek those things which are above, where he reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever.

Today, May 8, is also the day we remember Julian of Norwich, anchorite, the first women to have a book published in English. She lived through times of plague, violence and food shortages and yet was positive in her spiritual beliefs. ‘All shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of things shall be well.’

A helpful meditation in these current days of infections, wars, and budgetary problems, it was also paraphrased by Sidney Carter as ‘All shall be well again, I know.’

Collect for Dame Julian

Most holy God, the ground of our beseeching, who through your servant Julian revealed the wonders of your love: grant that as we are created in your nature and restored by your grace, our wills may be made one with yours, that we may come to see you face to face and gaze on your for ever; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever.

Genesis 7.1-5,11-18, 8.6-18, 9.8-13, Psalm  23, Acts 11.1-18 & John 10.22-30

Prayer intentions: UP and OUT

🙏🏼 For the sick and those in need: Zena Ashcroft, Margaret Baxter, Colin Brown, Val Huddart, Wayne Jackett, Maureen Kar, Elsie Latham, Susan Mahoney, Donald and Mary Sephton, Lavinia Sephton, Amanda Soady & Brian

🙏🏼 RIP: Joan Williams (funeral – May 17th) Dinah Webb & Jean Watkins (Rufford funeral – May 24th) & Kath Garlick (Tarleton 11am on May 19th)

🙏🏼 Years mind: Joan Burton, John Fazakerly, Dorothy Gant, Florence Ellen Hall, Mary Howard, Thomas Parkinson, Percy Spencer, Leslie Tabarn & Edna Tongue

🙏🏼In our cycle of prayer we pray for those who live in Heritage Way

🙏🏼 Please pray for vocations and for peace in the Ukraine each day this week

Monday 9th May 

2.00pm Mothers’ Union Prayer Meeting, Holy Trinity, Tarleton

Acts 11.1-18, Psalm 42.1-2,43.1-4 & John 10.1-10

🙏🏼We pray for the UK government, officials and MPs

Tuesday 10th May

6.30 pm: meeting for Holy Trinity Patronal Festival Flower event

7.00pm: Choir practice: Holy Trinity, Tarleton

Acts 11.19-26, Psalm 87 & John 10.22-30

🙏🏼 We pray for church musicians and choristers

Wednesday 11th May

10am Eucharist: Holy Trinity, Tarleton

2.00pm: Tarleton Mothers’ Union visit to Iddon Gardens

6.00pm: Bible Study: Ruth: Rufford Parish Hall

7.30pm: Tarleton Parochial Church Council

Acts 12.24-13.5, Psalm 67 & John 12.44-end

 🙏🏼 We pray with and for The Leprosy Mission worldwide, for Danny as he leads the Bible study on Ruth & for Tarleton PCC

Thursday 12th May – Gregory Dix, priest, monk, scholar, 1952

10am to 12 noon: Coffee & Cake at the Rectory (in aid of the Rufford Flower Festival)

7.00pm Eucharist: St Mary the Virgin, Rufford; then Rufford Parochial Church Council

Acts 13.13-25, Psalm 89.1-2,20-26 & John 13.16-20

🙏🏼 We pray for deeper understanding of our faith, for Rufford PCC & give thanks for liturgical scholars

Friday 13th May

10am-12noon: Coffee & Chat: Parish Room, Holy Trinity, Tarleton, all welcome

Acts 13.26-33, Psalm 2 & John 14.1-6

🙏🏼 We pray for all with doubts

Saturday 14th May – Matthias the Apostle

10am-12noon: ‘Who let the Dads out?’ Rufford Scout Hall
6.00pm Eucharist – Holy Trinity, Tarleton


Almighty God, who in the place of the traitor Judas chose your faithful servant Matthias to be of the number of the Twelve: preserve your Church from false apostles and, by the ministry of faithful pastors and teachers, keep us steadfast in your truth; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever

Acts 1.15-end, Psalm 15, 1 Corinthians 4.1-7 & John 15.9-17

🙏🏼 We pray for all taking on new Christian leadership roles

Sunday 15th May – 5th Sunday of Easter

8am Eucharist, Holy Trinity, Tarleton
9.15am Sung Eucharist: St Mary the Virgin, Rufford, then refreshments
10.45am Sung Eucharist: Holy Trinity, Tarleton, then refreshments

Genesis 22.1-18, Psalm  148, Acts 11.1-18 & John 13.31-35

🙏🏼 We pray for peace in the Ukraine, for vocations and in our cycle of prayer, for those who live in Hesketh Lane

Both our Churches are open for private prayer though the week.

Fr. Mark – Phone: 01772 814431, Mobile: 07968 753978