Sunday 9 Oct – Harvest

8am Said Eucharist – St. Mary the Virgin, Rufford
9:15am All Age Eucharist – St. Mary’ the Virgin, Rufford
10:45am All Age Eucharist – Holy Trinity, Tarleton
6pm Choral Evensong & Sermon – St. Mary the Virgin, Rufford


Eternal God, you crown the year with your goodness and you give us the fruits of the earth in their season: grant that we may use them to your glory, for the relief of those in need and for our own well-being; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.


Heavenly Father, we pray for a bishop full of your Holy Spirit; a disciple to make disciples, a bold witness to Jesus, and a Christ-like leader, able to inspire children and young people with the transforming message of your Gospel. We ask this in the name of Your Son, our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen.


🙏🏼The Sick: Zena Ashcroft, Margaret Baxter, Colin Brown, Val Huddart, Wayne Jackett, Maureen Karr, Winnie Turner, Mary Sephton, Lavinia Sephton, Amanda Soady, Brian Soady, Karen Hartnett, Stuart Drysdale & Joseph Doolan

🙏🏼The recently departed: Maureen Hopkins

🙏🏼Year’s Mind: Mary Sephton, Peter Johnson, Mattie Cardinal, Craig James Trafford; John Stazicker, Daisy Bowen, Henry Nicholas-Hooton, Margaret Blackstone, Thomas Ashcroft, William Rimmer, John Taylor, Alice Barron, Joseph Horace Webster, Isabella Williams & Dorothy Holmes.

Monday – Paulinus, bishop, missionary, 644

7pm Stepping Stones Adult Discipleship Group – Holy Trinity, Tarleton parish room

Galatians 4:21-24, 26-27, 31, 5:1; Ps 113 & Luke 11:29-32

🙏🏼Please pray for the appointment of the new Bishop of Blackburn.

Tuesday – Ethelburga. Abbess, 675

Galatians 5:1-6; Ps 119:41-48; Luke 11:37-41

🙏🏼Please pray all monastic communities

Wednesday – Wilfrid, bishop, missionary, 709

10am Eucharist – Holy Trinity, Tarleton

Galatians 5:18-end; Ps 1; Luke 11:42-46

🙏🏼Please pray for all in training for ministry.

Thursday – Edward the Confessor, king, 1066

6:30pm Diamond Disciples Youth Group – Holy Trinity, Tarleton parish room
7pm Said Eucharist – St. Mary the Virgin, Rufford

Ephesians 1:1-10; Ps 98:1-4; Luke 11:47-end

🙏🏼Please pray His Majesty King Charles III, the Royal Family and all royal chapels and chaplains.


10am-12noon Coffee & Chat – Holy Trinity, Tarleton

Ephesians 1:11-14; Ps 33:1-6, 12 & Luke 12:1-7

🙏🏼Pray for all staff and students of our Church schools

Saturday – Teresa of Avila, teacher of the faith, 1582

Ephesians 1:15-end, Ps 8; Luke 12:8-12

🙏🏼Pray for all involved in the training of clergy, LLMs & ALMs

Sunday 16 Oct – Trinity 18

8am Said Eucharist – Holy Trinity, Tarleton
9:15am Sung Eucharist – St. Mary the Virgin, Rufford
10:45am Sung Eucharist – Holy Trinity, Tarleton


Rector: The Rev’d Canon Mark Soady SSC
Rest Day: Monday
Tel: (01772) 814431 07968 753978 E-Mail:

Curate: The Rev’d Fr. Tristan Meares
Rest Day: Tuesday
Tel: (01772) 590803 07547 973527 Email:

Ordinand: Danny Abraham
Rest Day: Saturday. Study Days: Monday, Tuesday & Friday.