Christmas Eve we will hold our Annual Christingle and Crib Services in our churches.


3.15pm St Mary’s Church, Rufford

4.30pm Holy Trinity Church, Tarleton

Please note new Post Covid times for these services.


The Christingle first came to the UK, thanks to the church’s  Children’s Society in 1968, but Christingles themselves go back much further to the Moravian church in Germany.

Fr Mark says,

” I remember helping my father (the local Treasurer of the Children’s Society) in 1970 make Christingles for the first Kidwelly Deanery service in 1970, so they have been part of my life for most of my life. I look forward to sharing this with you all for the first time due to Covid.”


A donation from the collection at the service will support the work of the Children’s Society

Each element of a Christingle has a special meaning and helps to tell the Christian story:

  • The orange represents the world
  • The red ribbon (or tape) symbolises the love and blood of Christ
  • The sweets and dried fruit represent all of God’s creations
  • The lit candle represents Jesus’s light in the world, bringing hope to people living in darkness.

We will unpack these further during the service……


…as well as placing all the figures in the Christmas Crib before we Bless it.

At Rufford all the congregation will have Nativity Characters on sticks to show when we sing Carols.